Annika Zimmermann
3 AM Questions
A Three-Year Journal
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– What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned so far?
– How do you feel about getting older?
Asking the right questions is the key to self-awareness, which allows us to analyze our situation and thoughts as well as our actions and decisions. This book is a compilation of 365 questions that dig deep. That’s one for each day of the year, intended to be revisited multiple times over the course of three years. You are free to start whenever you like by simply beginning with the journal question for your personal start date. You’ll almost certainly answer a given question differently from year to year, which is how the journal helps you track your personal development once it’s all filled out. Variances and constants alike will be revealed, giving you a whole new way to look at your own reality. That’s what makes this journal an effective tool for self-reflection and for growth in your personality.
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