3 AM Questions

For Inspiring Conversations, Growth & Self-Reflection

Softcover, 352 Seiten
Erschienen: November 2021
Gewicht: 410 g
ISBN: 978-3-96905-145-0
inkl. MwSt.
Produkt aktuell nicht lieferbar
innerhalb Deutschlands

Aus dem Inhalt

Identity, relationships, sadness, life and success; these are arguably the most important things to think about on the road to finding happiness or even meaning in what we call our lifetime. We are defined by ourselves, the people we surround ourselves with, and our own experiences. Sometimes we don’t realize the impact certain things have had on us until after they’ve happened or we’re confronted by them directly. Asking the right questions is often the key. In this book, you will find many meaningful questions that can help you realize things about yourself or others that you didn’t know before. These questions are your guide to amazing conversations, seeing things from a new perspective, and perhaps giving yourself some good advice. This book can be a helping hand when making important decisions and will let you see your reality from a fresh point of view.

Über Annika Zimmermann

Annika Zimmermann
Annika M. Zimmermann has been questioning everything since she was a young girl. She was born in Munich, Germany, began writing stories and drawing comics while still in primary school, and has continued to be creatively active ever since. The magic of stories has always been her favorite way to escape reality or to look at things in a new way. In her first book, 3 A.M. Questions, Annika hopes to inspire others to challenge their reality and try to view things from different perspectives.


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80799 München

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