Pilot Patrick

My glamorously unglamorous life as a jet-set pilot

Softcover, 224 Seiten
Erschienen: Oktober 2020
ISBN: 978-3-7423-1723-0
inkl. MwSt.
Produkt aktuell nicht lieferbar
innerhalb Deutschlands

Aus dem Inhalt

Tricky maneuvers, curious passengers, and other kinds of turbulence

The star DJ who spontaneously invites the entire flight crew to his concert in Rome, the businessman who has his forgotten cigars flown in by private jet, and the oil millionaire who has the stewardesses crawl through the cabin on all fours to the sound of Pavarotti arias—there’s nothing that Pilot Patrick has not experienced in his job. Germany’s most famous airline captain takes us on a joyride to the most beautiful places in the world, telling us how he made his dream of flying come true, what really helps against the fear of flying, and what you should consider if you want to become a pilot yourself. From wild party nights on the Côte dʼAzur to sex above the clouds, Pilot Patrick gives us an exclusive look behind the normally closed doors of the international jet set—and reveals a secret that, until now, has always flown below the radar.

Über Patrick Biedenkapp

Patrick Biedenkapp
Patrick Biedenkapp, better known as Pilot Patrick, has been a professional pilot since 2010. After flying business jets for nearly seven years, the 32-year-old Berliner-by-choice now flies for a major international airline. With more than 750,000 Instagram followers and over 150,000 YouTube subscribers, Pilot Patrick has become one of Germany’s bestknown airline captains

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