Shawn Mendes uncovered

Softcover, 112 Seiten
Erschienen: Februar 2019
ISBN: 978-3-7423-1006-4
inkl. MwSt.
Produkt aktuell nicht lieferbar
innerhalb Deutschlands

Aus dem Inhalt

Shawn Mendes lies on the wooden floor in a lonely hut deep in the forest, completely isolated from the outside world. In the background the sound of a piano. His eyes are closed, his hands are holding a notebook, he is singing softly to himself – Shawn is texting the songs for his second album. Together with seven other musicians, he moved to an isolated space. In this relaxed atmosphere, his biggest hits come to life: "There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back" and "Treat You Better."
Shawn Mendes did not just storm the charts with his music, he did also conquer the hearts of his fans worldwide. This book brings you up close to the singer with many stories, insider information and pictures.

Über Nadine Taylor

Nadine Taylor
Nadine Taylor, born in 1990, press worker and huge fan of Shawn Mende. Nadine has followed the superstar's career from the start. In numerous forums and as a loyal member of the #Mendesarmy she is in constant exchange with fans around the globe. In her book Shawn Mendes she reveals everything worth knowing about the world star.

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