FUCK – The ultimate cursing and swearing coloring book for adults

Softcover, 64 Seiten
Erschienen: September 2016
ISBN: 978-3-7423-0144-4
inkl. MwSt.
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This charmingly illustrated colouring book helps you banish your day to day worries whenever life is really pissing you off. Relax with a glass of fine wine and daft images which spring to life with your aggressive colouring in!

Choose the swearword to match your mood and get stuck in. Colouring in this bloody book effortlessly nurtures your inner equilibrium and attentiveness, while the absurd designs let your imagination take flight!

This book is a must for fans of fantasy, colour and obscenities. 

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Münchner Verlagsgruppe GmbH
Türkenstraße 89
80799 München

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