The Fluid Consumer

Next Generation Growth and Branding in the Digital Age

Hardcover, 192 Seiten
Erschienen: November 2016
Gewicht: 401 g
ISBN: 978-3-86881-626-6
inkl. MwSt.
Produkt aktuell nicht lieferbar
innerhalb Deutschlands

Aus dem Inhalt

The Fluid Consumer takes an in-depth look at how digital technologies are driving profound shifts in consumer expectations and in the consumer packaged goods industry, and it explores the implications of those shifts for business models, branding, and growth strategies.

Branding in the digital world requires new practices and strategies. And, as Teo Correia explains, platform economics demonstrate how brands can leverage the power of network effects to grow.

In this book, Correia builds upon the new model for digital branding: Brands as Platforms, a revolutionary way to approach and leverage digital technologies beyond e-commerce. He also provides a framework to help leaders and managers position their organizations for sustainable growth by leveraging digital technologies to engage consumers, and to optimize innovation efforts, marketing, and channel strategy development.

In a nutshell, The Fluid Consumer:
• Reveals how profoundly the consumer is changing in the digital era, and the ways in which consumer packaged goods companies are evolving and adapting as a result.
• Develops the new model for digital branding – Brands as Platforms – a revolutionary way to approach and leverage digital technologies beyond e-commerce.
• Describes the Four Pillars of Digital Growth needed to achieve digital consumer engagement and position an organization for success.
• Uses case study examples to demonstrate how consumer packaged goods companies are finding new ways to position themselves and stay competitive in the face of industry transformation.

Über Teo Correia

Teo Correia ist Global Senior Managing Director der Consumer Goods & Services Industry Group bei Accenture. Dort verantwortet er u. a. die Bereiche Konsumgüterindustrie und Handel. Daneben leitet er die Emerging Group, ein Netzwerk von CEOs, das sich mit der Entwicklung neuer Produkt- und Marketingideen für Konsumenten beschäftigt. Correia ist gebürtiger Brasilianer und lebt in London.

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Türkenstraße 89
80799 München

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