Industry X.0

Realising digital value in industrial sectors

Hardcover, 320 Seiten
Erschienen: Mai 2017
Gewicht: 596 g
ISBN: 978-3-86881-654-9
inkl. MwSt.
Produkt aktuell nicht lieferbar
innerhalb Deutschlands

Aus dem Inhalt

Industry X.0 takes an insightful look at the business impact of the Internet of Things movement on the industrial sphere. Eric Schaeffer combines deep analysis with practical strategic guidance, and offers tangible and actionable recommendations on how to realise value in the current digital age. Based on extensive research and insights into the six core competencies that have been identified by Accenture, Industry X.0 explores critical aspects of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), discussing and defining them in an engaging and accessible manner. These include managing smart data, handling digital product development, skilling up the workforce, mastering innovation, making the most of platforms and ecosystems, and much more.

Meticulously researched and clearly explained, Industry X.0 makes a stringent case for companies to actively shift mind-sets away from products, towards services, value and outcomes. Complemented by a wealth of case studies and real world examples, this book provides invaluable, practical 'how-to' advice for business organizations as they embark on their journeys into the era of the IIoT.

Über Eric Schaeffer

Eric Schaeffer
Eric Schaeffer ist Senior Managing Director bei Accenture. Er leitet Accentures Digital Industry 4.0 Program, das Industriefirmen bei der Hebung digitaler Wertpotentiale unterstützt. Im Rahmen umfassender Transformationsprogramme begleitet er zudem große und multinationale Unternehmen bei komplexen Business- und technologischen Change-Prozessen.

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Türkenstraße 89
80799 München

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