Nicole Gaiziunas
Manager Moving Mountains
Return on Education: Excellent Employees, Brilliant Performance, Best Results
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**Company is Only as Good as Its Managers** Every executive board would like to have the best in their field. Unfortunately, this undertaking has been failing extensively and categorically for years. Every year billions are spent on executive and personnel development, talent management, training and qualification, with modest results. No manager can move mountains like this, not to mention the range of challenges which are mounting up in this time of exogenous shocks, threatened global supply networks, and dwindling raw material sources. The ‘input’ principle is to blame: Too much emphasis is placed on what is put in. The ‘best in class’ pay attention to what comes out. They work according to the principle of ‘return’: Training should no longer just make it possible for managers and employees to move mountains. The mountains need to be moved in the training itself. This is self-financing and profit-generating because it creates ‘return projects’ which are designed to increase turnover, reduce costs, and/or improve efficiency. That’s how mountains are moved! With this new understanding of management development and the unleashed power of developing personalities: in short, with future competence. The author spotlights twelve megatrends from business and society that managers across all industries will need to master with future competence in the next few years. They lead in to Change Management 2.0: Transformation instead of just change.
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Über Nicole Gaiziunas
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