Florian Homm
225 Years in Hell
The Conversion of a Rogue Financier
Aus dem Inhalt
Homm’s reputation in business is tough. He has held stakes in night clubs, bordellos and table dancing ventures. He once worked as a prison counselor at the notorious Walpole Maximum Security prison while attending Harvard College. He barely survived an assassination attempt in Caracas, Venezuela in 2006. But is he hard enough or prepared for the abuse and torture he will face by sociopathic, sadistic guards, violent and mentally deranged felons, and corrupt prison officials? Homm finds himself in a pool of very dangerous men: extortionists, contract killers and organized crime bosses. Self-mutilation, fights, suicide attempts and drug abuse are pervasive among the prison population.
Homm faces off in this battle against seemingly omnipotent oppressors and pathetic odds. No one has ever beaten extradition from Italy to the United Sates of America. Left alone by almost all of his friends and family, while suffering from progressive chronic multiple sclerosis, Homm mounts the defense of his life. He finds faith and Mary, the Mother of God, are his greatest allies against the unified forces of the CIA, FBI, Interpol and the Swiss government. Desperate to stay alive, he forms allegiances with some of the most vicious people imaginable.
225 years in Hell, the thrilling and long-awaited sequel to Homm’s bestselling autobiography “Rogue Financier,” has finally arrived.
Über Florian Homm

Homm gehörte auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Karriere mit zu den reichsten Deutschen. Bekannt wurde er für ein breites Publikum durch die erfolgreiche Sanierung von BVB Borussia Dortmund sowie als Bestsellerautor. Zu seinen bekanntesten Büchern zählen u. a. der Spiegel Bestseller Kopf Geld Jagd, Endspiel, Die Kunst des Leerverkaufs und der Manager Magazin Bestseller Erfolg im Crash.
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