Harald Seiz
Think Big
How to Conquer the World with a Great Idea
Aus dem Inhalt
In 2011 Seiz laid the foundation stone for his company Karatbars International GmbH. The goal was for every human being to be able to own gold. What was once a one-man show is now a worldwide empire of companies that generates an annual turnover of more than 100 million euros.
But Harald Seiz has even bigger goals: A gold-based means of payment, which is crisis-proof and will revolutionize our financial system. His mission was initially just laughed at. Today he is the market leader for innovative Gold products. And yet Seiz still sees himself at the beginning; a payment system based on gold, gold mines, and the establishment of a bank are only a few of the building blocks which he wants to lay in order to get all the way to the top.
Think Big—a book that encourages you to live your dream. And that reveals the recipes for success in achieving your aims.
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Über Harald Seiz

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